Marketing Collateral – Friend or Foe!
Glossies or no glossies? There appears to be quite a disconnect between the Sales and Marketing departments in many organizations. It appears that salespeople often
We ALL have our area of expertise, and THAT is what leads me to believe that there is a genius in every single person. All is takes is extracting that gold, and that’s what I live to do. Are you ready to create consistent success in your sales business?
Every single convention, workshop, or whatever tells you to "think outside the box" which is great... but we tend to lose ourselves trying to be "whacky" or a shiny object. Learn to enjoy far more success and fulfillment through discovering who you truly are and what you want.
No one magically falls to the top of a mountain. The process of getting to the peak is a large number of consecutive steps. One after the next, after the next, after the next...
Remember, small victories lead to great success!
Often times people only see the end result; they don't the blood, sweat, and tears that does behind achieving "the big goal". Small victories, or goals, lead to greater success. Think through your goals and choose the ones that will truly advance you through your career.
No one magically falls to the top of the mountain. The process of getting to the peak is a large number of consecutive steps. One after the next, after the next, after the next...
Small victories lead to greater success!
Energy and creativity is generated IMMEDIATELY once you set a goal. Unfortunately, most people don’t utilize that energy to their advantage.
The 4 Pillars of Sales course will equip you with the proper mindset, abilities, activities and an agenda (or plan) needed to help skyrocket your sales.
Go for it!
Regardless of where you’re currently at in your sales career, Brad Thomson Coaching has you covered! My passion is extracting the gold from people in order to help them discover their true inner genius. We ALL have it! Check out what We’re all about below.
For the last 30 years I’ve worked with THOUSANDS of people in the corporate world, entrepreneurs and individuals…LEVERAGE THAT TRAINING NOW!
It sounds so simple ! To make more money, simply make more sales!! Boom !! Unfortunately the act of ..”simply making more sales”… well, isn’t always that … simple.
Challenges have become one of the greatest accelerators for personal change. Leveraging live-training, focused community, and shared goals will quickly step up your game and help make sales a TOTAL BLAST!
Prepare for an event to remember. Brad will bring his ability to make your people laugh…even at themselves. And in so doing, they will learn more and be set to take the actions that will set them on a new path of success.
Join my newsletter for weekly succes sales tips, tricks and general thought provoking scenarios. It’s important to constantly analyze and reassess to maintain progress. Go for it.
Along with a weekly newsletter, I write blog articles to dive a little deeper on important sales topics. Check some of them out below…
Glossies or no glossies? There appears to be quite a disconnect between the Sales and Marketing departments in many organizations. It appears that salespeople often
It’s incredibly fascinating to me how one computer company can put out a new machine and we happen to notice it at our local store,
Your areas of greatest frustration are probably areas you really want to achieve but have failed to make any meaningful moves, while “knowing” that all
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